Holistic Health
Do you want to take a more holistic approach to healing your body and mind?
Feel Your Best — Mentally and Physically
In order to feel your best and have strong digestion, you need to be able to process what you "take in" physically and mentally, in a healthy way. If you are eating in a way that doesn't serve you or work for your unique body, your digestive fire will be weak. If you are sitting in lower emotions and are not managing them properly, your digestive fire will be weak.
Having healthy overall digestion and feeling your best is not just about WHAT you eat, but also about WHEN and HOW you eat. And having strong digestion is not just about physical digestion, but also about mental digestion or what is happening in your mind. The combination of having strong physical and mental digestion is the foundation of you feeling your best in your daily life.
Most western approaches regarding health and wellness look just at symptoms you are having and try to put a "band aid" on those symptoms. Those band aid approaches often times include lots of medication and a focus on only your physical body. When using holistic approaches to creating your best health, you look at what the root causes are of your symptoms and then work to eliminate the cause. Holistic health practices also focus on your mind body, and not just the physical aspect.
Personalized Holistic Health Consultation
During a Holistic Health consultation with me, we'll explore your entire being — body and mind. We'll examine how your physical activities and mental state affect your health, acknowledging the vital link between the two. Our goal is to achieve harmony and eliminate dis-ease.
You'll discover practices tailored to your unique constitution, not a "one size fits all" approach, to optimize your wellbeing.
A Tailored Approach
We'll work together to create a plan for your unique body, mind, and life experiences — and most importantly — a plan you can implement.
The practices and tools may include: nutrition for your constitution, movement, daily routines, Yoga, breathwork and meditation. You do not need to be an "expert" on Yoga, breathwork or meditation. If you are open to these practices, I will guide you.
We will start with small changes and practices that you can implement. Small changes have a big impact. My recommendations include practices that are rooted in Ayurveda and Yoga that you can use daily to help you feel your best and enhance your physical and mental digestion.
If you are desiring making changes to help you live a life, symptom free in your body and full of ease, calm, and joy in your mind, book a free discovery call to learn more.
How We Can Work Together
Let's discuss your goals and see how my services can help you! We can...
Learn to find more balance using tools and techniques from Ayurveda
127 US dollars
Holistic Health Counseling Can Help With
Insomnia or other sleep disturbances
Joint pain
Constipation or diarrhea
Menopause and menstruation issues
Poor digestion
Fertility struggles
Food cravings
Food allergies
Skin disorders, such as rashes
Auto-Immune disorders
Reducing stress and anxiety
Depression and/or past trauma
Negative emotions such as anger, fear, agitation or scattered thoughts
Eating disorders or attachments to food and exercise