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Beat the Heat: Use Yoga and Ayurveda practices to stay cool, calm and balanced in Summer.

From an Ayurvedic perspective, in order to find your optimal health and wellness, you need to flow with the seasons.

Just as the seasons change, our daily routines, nutrition and Yoga practices also need to change to allow us to stay balanced. Summertime brings with it heat, a sharp energetic intensity, long days and dryness. Summertime is referred to as pitta time of year. Pitta dosha has the elements of fire and water; think warmer water. When pitta is in excess, we can feel "burned out" and over-heated in our bodies and minds. When pitta is balanced, we feel calm, cool, collected and stable. Adjusting to summer includes making changes that are subtle. You don't necessarily need to change "everything". Simple adjustments to your nutrition, daily routines and activities during the summer months can yield big results. And when we feel well in our mind and bodies, we can enjoy our summer to the fullest!

What does pitta dosha in excess look and feel like?

When we have too much heat in our body and mind, certain symptoms can arise. Physical symptoms include acne, inflammation, eczema, skin rashes, diarrhea, heartburn, acid reflux, bloody noses and an upset stomach just to name a few. Mental symptoms include irritation and irritability, anger, jealousy, greed, competitiveness, being judgmental and overly critical. Some will say the pitta mind will be so strong that it will "outrun" the body. The body will be saying "no", but the mind is saying "yes". Pitta types when imbalanced tend to overwork, are too driven and too focused, and seek out jobs and activities that push them too much. They have a tendency to be controlling and when things don't go their way, they experience frustration and anger. Eventually, these excess symptoms will cause mental and physical burnout.

What does pitta dosha in balance look and feel like?

When pitta dosha is balanced, you feel grounded, stable and at ease. You will create the right amount of balance for you between fun, work and activities that bring you joy. Your digestive fire will be stable and will not overheat, which in turn causes stomach issues like diarrhea and acid. You will listen to your body and choose things and activities that are not overly competitive. Your mind will be calm and centered. You are able to manage your emotions in a healthy way. You handle what comes at you with grace, rather than with irritation and anger. We all need some fire within us to keep our digestion strong. Internal fire allows us to complete tasks, to have goals that we aspire to and to feel motivated. The key is to keep it balanced.

We all need to balance pitta dosha in the summer months. But those of us who have more pitta in our constitution need to make a few more changes to stay balanced.

We all have the five elements (ether, air, fire, water and earth) within us. They are just in different proportions. Ayurveda works with the principle that like attracts like and opposites pacify. The tendency for those with more pitta in their constitution will be to LIKE the heat, warming foods and activities that are heating for their body and mind. But when we don't balance out that heat with cooling foods, activities and practices, pitta will be in excess. In order to stay balanced mentally and physically, we need to apply the opposite qualities of summer. Since summer is hot, sharp and dry, we need to bring in a cooling energy and effect to pacify pitta dosha.

What can you do specifically to stay balanced in the summer?

  1. Favor foods, spices and beverages that are more cooling for the body. Veggies, lightly cooked, such as cucumbers, summer squash, peas, broccoli, cauliflower, asparagus, bitter greens and limes are wonderful in summer. Spices and herbs such as cilantro, mint, coriander and fennel are great additions to your meals. Beverages like coconut water, mint tea and hibiscus tea are recommended. (Iced beverages are not recommended unless you have been in the severe heat for several hours, as the ice will put out your digestive fire). Fruits such as melons, berries, cherries, red grapes and mangoes are preferred in summer. Grains and legumes like quinoa, barley, oats, rice, lentils, adzuki beans, mung beans, split peas, tofu and black beans are all great for the summer months.

  2. Favor the tastes of bitter, sweet and astringent rather than sour, salty and pungent. Bitter, sweet and astringent foods will pacify pitta, while sour, salty and pungent foods will aggravate pitta.

  3. Reduce or eliminate foods, spices and beverages that are heating. Spicy foods, like hot peppers, fermented foods, hot sauce, nightshades, onions and garlic all can overheat the body and mind. If eating meat or seafood, have that for only 20% of your meal as meat is more heating for the body. Also, yogurt, citrus fruits and sour foods will aggravate pitta. Caffeine and alcohol are also heating along with spices like black pepper and cayenne.

  4. Avoid the mid-day sun. If you are out in the heat, cover your head and neck by wearing a hat.

  5. Exercise in the early morning so you are not overheating the body. It is very dehydrating to sweat too much, and it is unnecessary as it dries out the body causing more inflammation and joint pain.

  6. Practice Yoga asana that is slower paced, focusing on longer holds. Practicing twists and forward folds are great to cool off the body. Be mindful of practicing hot Yoga.

  7. Breathwork that is cooling like sheetali. It is great to practice sheetali between 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. as that is pitta time of day when our internal heat is the strongest.

  8. Be around water. Swim, canoe, kayak or walk close to the water. Water is soothing for pitta dosha.

  9. Be playful. Have fun. Do things that you love and bring you joy. Play with your kids, your dogs. Don't take life too seriously. Know that it is okay to make mistakes; to take time off from work. Stop and smell the roses.

Summer can bring with it so many fun activities and the ability to enjoy the weather. The key is to make the small changes necessary, so you are able to fully experience this time without dis-ease in your body and mind.

If you are desiring to learn more about staying in balance during summer, reach out. I will work with you one-on-one to determine your constitution and give you specific tools and practices that are tailored to your unique body and mind. Contact me for a free 15-minute consultation. I am here to support you!


Stefanie Yeager, Owner, Brilliant Life Yoga and Wellness

Level 1 Yoga Therapist, Ayurveda Health Counselor, Holistic Health Coach

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