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Digestive Health: How YOU can strengthen your physical and mental digestion.

Having Healthy and Strong Digestion isn’t just about physical digestion, but also mental digestion.

How we process what we consume and “take in” with our five senses is key to having strong mental and physical digestion. In our western society, we tend to focus more on having healthy physical digestion. How our gut feels. How we digest food. How we can keep our digestion strong. For some, it may be eliminating certain foods from the diet. Of course, that is important. We want to feel good after we eat. We don’t want any uncomfortable symptoms after eating like gas, bloating, cramping, lethargy and excessive belching. But from an Ayurvedic approach, we also need to look at our mental digestion or the health of our mind. We need to look at the overall health of our whole BEing; body, mind and spirit.

You can be the healthiest eater, but if you are not fulfilled and do not have joy in your daily living, your overall digestion is weak. If you are “sitting” in lower emotions often and do not know how to manage them, your overall digestion is weak. If you consume too much; too much food, TV, social media, unhealthy relationships or toxins, your overall digestion is weak. Especially if you attach to what you are taking in or if you have a hard time managing the emotions that come with it. In order to keep our digestive fire (agni) stoked, we need to be mindful of what and how we "consume" and have the ability to assimilate our consumption properly through our mind and body.

Everything we consume or take in with our 5 senses either turns to higher consciousness or becomes a toxin.

What you take in with your other senses, not just taste, has a big impact on your overall health. If you are listening, watching things or are around people that consistently upset you, your mind may be filled with anxiety, fear, worry or anger. Your nervous system will be super charged and overworked, especially if you are not managing those emotions in a healthy way. That will impact your overall health. We can hold those lower emotions in our body, deep in our tissues, and they become toxins. And as a result, our digestive system has to work much harder to process what is happening in our mind and body. This weakens our overall agni.

The reality is that we are all going to feel lower emotions. We are human. We experience things. But our capacity to handle those emotions is key in developing strong digestive health. We have the ability to control what we take in each day. We can say no. We can set boundaries. We do not have to do things that do not feel aligned to us. We have the power within us to discriminate what we feed our bodies. We have the power within us to manage our emotions in a healthy way. We can learn to let go of things/foods/people that do not serve us anymore. Learning to do this is so powerful in developing strong overall digestion.

What are some practices you can do to strengthen your overall digestion?

  • Be out in nature. Take a walk. Breathe fresh air. Ground your physical body.

  • Notice your feelings. Sit with them. Journal what is coming up for you. Talk to someone about those feelings.

  • Breathing practices and meditation.

  • Movement, including Yoga asana.

  • Creating awareness around what you put into your body. Notice how you feel after you eat. Food should be nourishing, and we should feel well after we eat.

  • Chew your food well. Eat slowly and mindfully. Sit down to eat with no electronics.

  • Cook your own food as much as possible.

  • Eat seasonally, favoring fresh organic food.

  • Favor foods that work best for your unique constitution. (Not sure what that means? Book an Ayurvedic Consultation with me!)

  • Practice gratitude while eating. Eat when you are calm, not angry, rushed or anxious.

  • Be around others who support you and lift you up.

  • Practice not taking on other people's energy.

  • Be mindful of what and who you are listening to, watching, and spending time with.

  • Set boundaries. If something isn’t a hell yes, then don’t do it.

  • Limit your time spent on social media.

  • Do what you love! Laugh, have fun, play, smile! Find joy in the small things!

Remember these are practices. Start with practicing a few simple changes and then add on from there. Notice how you feel after you start to shift your daily habits.

If you desire support in strengthening your overall digestion, reach out. I am here to guide you.


Stefanie, Owner, Brilliant Life Yoga and Wellness

Ayurveda Health Counselor, Yoga teacher, Holistic Health Coach


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