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What makes me unique?? Why YOU should choose to work with ME!

Prioritizing Health and Wellness has become so important, especially after a pandemic when people are struggling with mental health issues and disordered eating patterns are on the rise.

Taking care of my own mental health needs and my recovery from an eating disorder has been my focus for many years now. If you are similar to me, I am always looking for extra support to help me heal. And let's be real. It can feel overwhelming when you are trying to find support in healing yourself. There are SO many choices of practitioners, health coaches and holistic counselors in our world today. This is great! But it also can be challenging to know who to hire that will be the right fit to help you in your own journey. When I am seeking out help from others, I look at a few different factors before I decide to work with someone. Are they an energetic match with me? Do they teach from their experiences? Are they supportive, kind and lead with compassion? Those are just some examples of the criteria that I look for. If you are looking for extra support in your healing journey, here are some of the characteristics I embrace in myself that help make me unique.

I am authentic and real.

I don't pretend to be someone I am not. I still make mistakes. I have setbacks sometime. I am perfectly imperfect. I learn and grow each day and continue to evolve to be the best person I can be. I am honest and real. I like to laugh and smile a lot. I am my own unique individual and I honor that in everyone that I work with.

I teach and guide you from my own life experiences.

I do not expect you to try or do anything that I haven't done before. I do not teach or preach anything that I haven't experienced. If I recommend herbs to you, I have tried them before. If I recommend foods, daily practices or meditations, it's because they have helped me. Everything I teach about is from my heart and my own uppermost learnings. I recognize that your journey is not the same as mine. There may be a practice or tools that I have used that don't resonate with you at all. No worries! We will work together to find what works best for YOU. I tailor my recommendations to help you grow, heal and feel well in your body and mind.

I am committed to working on myself so that I continue to learn, grow and evolve.

I like to think of myself as a masterpiece, but a work in progress at the same time. I still learn new things all the time. Challenges come my way and I still feel all the feelings associated with those challenges. I work with coaches and mentors who help me keep myself aligned and balanced. Even though I have many tools in my toolbox, I enjoy learning new things and expanding my mind. I am open to receiving new ideas and new perspectives. I can then share those with my clients. I believe we are never done learning and growing!

I work with you from where you are at right now.

My coaching and sessions are not "one size fits all". I tailor them to meet your own specific needs. We all have our own journey on our path to healing. There is no one way that is better than any other way. I support you in learning what will work for you. I base my sessions and coaching on your own unique body and mind. I know that your life experiences are different than mine and I respect that whole-heartedly.

I collaborate with you.

We will work together to find the tools and practices that resonate with you most. I have experience in trying things that do not resonate with me. I know then I will not stick with them on a consistent basis. I want you to succeed and find a path to healing. I won't just tell you what to do. I give recommendations. You try them and find the ones that work for you. AND, if you are experiencing a lot of resistance around trying something, we will talk it about it openly. I have found in my journey that there have been times when I have been super resistant in trying something new (meditation for sure!), only to realize it has been a powerful tool in the long run in helping me heal.

I spent 10 years as a family and individual counselor before I started my business.

I went into the homes of families who experienced trauma, grief, loss and mental health issues. These experiences gave me a great understanding of being empathic to the challenges that they were facing. I learned a TON about myself through this process and I learned a TON about working with people who were suffering. I am not an expert on YOUR body and mind, but I have many tools in my toolbox that I can share with you, learned from my time as a counselor and social worker. I also spent many years working with a counselor who helped me tremendously with my eating disorder, healing past trauma and overcoming challenges.

I am kind, compassionate and non-judgmental. I lead from my heart center.

I genuinely want my clients to find their path to optimal health and wellness. I want you to recover from disordered eating. I want you to heal your trauma. I want you to FEEL WELL in your daily living. I do not judge what anyone has been through. I do not judge what you share with me in our sessions. I am an empath. I believe in each one of my clients!

I blend and use tools and practices from all the modalities that I have learned from.

I use my Yoga and SomaYoga therapy training to help you get into your body, to release what you are holding on to and to cultivate a connection to your highest SELF on a deeper level. I use my training and own experiences in Ayurveda to help you find daily practices tools, breathwork, meditations and intuitive energy practices that are based on your own constitution. I use nutrition principles from Ayurveda that are for your unique body and mind. I do not believe in restriction, but moderation and balance in all aspects of life. Instead of telling you what "not to eat", I will teach you foods to favor in your daily living. I use my experiences in recovering from disordered eating. I use my trauma informed trainings to help you heal past trauma by working deeply on past wounds, such as inner child work. I use my learnings from therapists, spiritual guides and my own self-reflection to help you notice your mind and thoughts. We will recognize when your ego is taking over and develop an understanding of what may be holding you back. I help you find your root cause of suffering and dis-ease and pave a path for you to heal and move forward.

Together, we can build a strong foundation for you to develop personal awareness, a deep connection with your true, authentic SELF and find your path to true healing.

I wish you well in your journey to heal. If you are desiring to talk in person with me about how I can help guide you, reach out and book a free 15-minute discovery call with me. I would love to talk with you further. Namaste,

Stefanie Yeager, AHC, E-RYT 500, Soma Yoga Level 1 therapist

Owner, Brilliant Life Holistic Health

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